Sunday, May 24, 2015


            Memorial Day is a day to remember. So, what should we remember?


            Let’s remember our troops. Some gave their lives. To those, we owe our highest honor. Some lost a limb, a friend or the security of living in freedom. We must remember them, but remembrance doesn’t cut it. Proper medical care, jobs and kind words are deserved for all our service members. They should come back to a land that embraces them and helps them heal the wounds of war.


            Many put their lives on the line on our soil. It could be the police officers who serve with honor. I’m not sure my brother would still be alive if it wasn’t for the help of some kind officers. I’m sure they’d say they were just doing their job, but often that job involves saving lives.
            On 9/11 the towers fell. Into the fray rushed police, firefighters and EMT’s. They were also backed by nurses, doctors and medical aides that helped to treat the wounded. Let’s remember their service—both on that dreaded day and the service they give every day of the week.
            Let’s not forget the teachers who help to impart knowledge to our youth. Teaching is a hard job. I can tell you this from first-hand experience. Let’s remember those who gave their lives—not through death, but by living on and bringing that life to the classroom every day.


            Let’s not forget our loved ones who have gone on. I remember my Grandpa. We had a special bond the last few months of his life. That bond and the lessons I learned were priceless. I was a light and source of strength, and he responded with great love. My life is better because of that experience.
            I’ve lost two grandmothers. I was the beloved grandchild. Those that have had that relationship know the warmth and you have countless stories. I also remember the grand dad I never knew—who passed away before I was born.
            I also remember my Uncle Ted. He was a kind, gentle man. I wish the world was filled with men like him—men who are willing to show kindness to others. I would love to have a day with him, but I know he’s gone on to heaven. I look forward to seeing him again.
            So, amidst the picnics and family gathering let’s not forget to remember.