Monday, January 30, 2023

How's the New Diet Going

January is coming to an end, so I thought I would update everyone on how the diet is going. So far things are positive.

My Weight is Down

I’ve lost about 5-6 pounds in January. If I can keep that up, I should be in beach body shape by summer. Not that I go to the beach a lot, but if I do, maybe I’ll be showing off a six pack.

The Body Fat is Down

As important as weight loss is fat loss is even more important. I have one of those fancy scales that analyzes body composition. I know they’re not completely accurate, but they’re a good tool. Plus, what the scale says also agrees with what my mirror says. My overall body fat is now in the green. Yeah me! I still want to lose some weight, but I’m at the upper end of normal. Unfortunately, my visceral fat is still high.  So, I still have weight to lose.

I’m Off Caffeine

I’ve quit caffeine. I’m not worried about trace amounts I may get if I eat a sliver of chocolate, but I’m off tea and other caffeinated beverages. I’m sleeping deeper. I still haven’t quite gotten my energy back up to normal, but that is supposed to take some time.

I’m Exercising Regularly

I have kept up exercising. With quitting caffeine, I think I may need to moderate what I’m doing and take it easy for a while, but I’m still moving and grooving! 

Fasting is Becoming Easier

I’ve been incorporating fasting into my lifestyle. Right now I’m in my fifth fast of the year. I’ve completed three 66-hour fasts and one of about 63 hours. I’ve chosen a 66-hour fast, because it gives many of the benefits I’m looking for—weight loss, a bump in growth hormone, increase insulin sensitivity, autophagy and healing. It’s also short enough that I can do it weekly while still getting in enough calories and nutrients the rest of the week. Anything much longer couldn’t be done on a regular basis. On the days I am eating, I often fast for 14-16 hours a day.

Back to the Vegan Lifestyle

I’m back to eating a primarily whole food plant based diet. I do allow allowances for religious celebrations. For example, we have challah bread on Shabbat where I attend. I’m certain that may occasionally have something like eggs or butter. For something like Pesach (Passover), I would eat some lamb if it were served. So, I’m basically eating about 95-99% whole food plant based.


Things are going well. The weight is going down and my health is going up. Hopefully I can exit 2023 much healthier that I entered it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Diet So Far

It’s early in 2023, so I’m not expecting miracles with the new diet. I’m eating a whole food, plant-based diet. I’m trying to completely cut caffeine, which I’ve been off for about a week. I’m also trying to drastically cut my salt. So, how are things going?

Maybe a Few Pounds

It’s hard to tell if there’s been any real weight loss. It’s only ten days in and my weight can fluctuate 5 pounds or so within a day. I would guess I’ve probably lost a pound or two. I also feel like I’m slightly more solid. So, while I’ll have to track things over the next few months, I think the body composition is heading in the right direction.

Fasting is Easier

I’ve over 35 hours into a 66-hour fast. Hopefully I can get through it. I’ve found short-term fasting has tremendous impact on my body. But, it’s really hard. Right now I’m doing well. The first 24 hours was relatively easy. I’ve never had the first 24 hours go so well, so maybe it’s a good sign that fasting is getting easier.

Blood Pressure is Down

This morning my blood pressure was 110/73. I still have some weight to lose, so that might go down a little more, but that’s an ideal blood pressure. So, I’m happy. Maybe if it gets lower, I can add some salt back into my diet. I definitely have to break my salt tooth first, so small amounts are tasty.

Eye Sight Seems to Be Improving

I don’t know why, but fasting often improves my eyesight. Perhaps it’s better blood sugar control, autophagy, or some sort of healing process, but I’ll take it. I notice colors seem more vivid. I also notice the pixels when I look at a screen and also can read fine print easier. So, I’m able to see small details better. 

Still Some Slight Caffeine Withdrawal

I don’t think I’m completely over caffeine withdrawal. I notice an occasional slight headache and that’s not just when fasting. I also just don’t have the same verve when I workout. The fact I’m having some withdrawal likely means I did need to quit.


Overall, things are going well. I feel like my body is healing. I don’t quite have the same energy level yet, but I think that’s due to caffeine withdrawal. My body feels more at peace. So, good things. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The New Diet Has Begun

With the start of a new year comes a new diet. Maybe by blogging about it, I can get some people to hold me accountable. I know what to do. It’s the willpower and discipline that makes things hard. Becoming healthier would be easier if I didn’t get so hungry.

Short Term Fasting

I’ve incorporated short term fasting in the past and it’s always produced fabulous results. My goal right now is to try to fast 48-72 hours a week. I’ve picked that length of fasting for a few reasons. First, many of the benefits of fasting happen in that 2-3 day window, including:

    • An increase in human growth hormone production

    • A decrease in insulin levels

    • An increase in fat burning as the body switches over fuel systems

    • An increase in autophagy, which is a fancy way of saying the body is breaking down worn out cells

These are the main benefits I’m looking for. Sure, there are some additional benefits to longer fasts, but I want to get used to fasting, which requires practicing it. It’s simply hard to fast any longer than this on a weekly basis and then be able to eat enough calories and nutrients on the feeding days to maximize health.

Lower Sodium

I’m a saltaholic. I love salt. Decreasing salt is going to be hard. Unfortunately, I happen to be one of those unlucky souls whose blood pressure reacts badly to sodium. So, I’m going to have to face the music and cut the salt.

Reduce Caffeine

Caffeine also raises my blood pressure. Lucky me! Just like everyone else, I love a good jolt of caffeine, but I just can’t consume it on a regular basis and stay healthy. So, it has to go—at least the majority of the time.


I have gotten into the habit of exercising regularly. So, it’s really about monitoring and adapting it to my body. I love the effects of hard exercise—particularly interval training and resistance training. I’ve found I need to adjust how much of that type of training I do based on how my body feels. Too much and I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.

Reduce Body Fat

If you were to look at me, you’d likely think, “When he was younger, he may have been an athlete.” I don’t want to look like I used to be an athlete. I want to look like an athlete in the present. So, I need to carve some body fat.

Maintain Muscle

This will be hard to monitor until I’ve taken off 20-30 pounds. As you lose weight, your lean body mass goes down. This is true even if you exercise to maintain muscle mass. So, I need to get closer to my ideal weight before I know what my lean body mass should be. I’m tracking things with a scale that analyzes body composition. Yes, I know they aren’t completely accurate, but they are a tool that will give me a general idea of where I’m at.

Whole Food Plant Based

The whole food planted based diet is pretty popular now. I’ve eaten that way in the past and it works amazingly well with my body. So, this is how I want to eat. I know there may be the occasional social event where it’s not feasible, but I want to try to control the meals I prepare on a regular basis as much as possible. 

Results So Far

The results so far have been impressive. I know that seems like an incredulous statement. It’s only a few days into 2023 and I’m already noticing improvements. That’s part of the power of fasting and a whole food plant based diet. It seems that combination is what works best for my body.

I do notice a slight reduction in body fat. What that is doing is bringing out more muscle definition. Hopefully I can end the year being buff. Right now I’m muscular, but I’m a bit too chubby to look really good.

I’m on my way to changing my body. It’s a positive journey, but it’s not an easy one. Wish me luck!