Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Diet So Far

It’s early in 2023, so I’m not expecting miracles with the new diet. I’m eating a whole food, plant-based diet. I’m trying to completely cut caffeine, which I’ve been off for about a week. I’m also trying to drastically cut my salt. So, how are things going?

Maybe a Few Pounds

It’s hard to tell if there’s been any real weight loss. It’s only ten days in and my weight can fluctuate 5 pounds or so within a day. I would guess I’ve probably lost a pound or two. I also feel like I’m slightly more solid. So, while I’ll have to track things over the next few months, I think the body composition is heading in the right direction.

Fasting is Easier

I’ve over 35 hours into a 66-hour fast. Hopefully I can get through it. I’ve found short-term fasting has tremendous impact on my body. But, it’s really hard. Right now I’m doing well. The first 24 hours was relatively easy. I’ve never had the first 24 hours go so well, so maybe it’s a good sign that fasting is getting easier.

Blood Pressure is Down

This morning my blood pressure was 110/73. I still have some weight to lose, so that might go down a little more, but that’s an ideal blood pressure. So, I’m happy. Maybe if it gets lower, I can add some salt back into my diet. I definitely have to break my salt tooth first, so small amounts are tasty.

Eye Sight Seems to Be Improving

I don’t know why, but fasting often improves my eyesight. Perhaps it’s better blood sugar control, autophagy, or some sort of healing process, but I’ll take it. I notice colors seem more vivid. I also notice the pixels when I look at a screen and also can read fine print easier. So, I’m able to see small details better. 

Still Some Slight Caffeine Withdrawal

I don’t think I’m completely over caffeine withdrawal. I notice an occasional slight headache and that’s not just when fasting. I also just don’t have the same verve when I workout. The fact I’m having some withdrawal likely means I did need to quit.


Overall, things are going well. I feel like my body is healing. I don’t quite have the same energy level yet, but I think that’s due to caffeine withdrawal. My body feels more at peace. So, good things. Wish me luck!